7 Apr 2012

This What I Mean by Lying


Ok, who's on this earth that have never been lying ???
I'm sure there's no one...

Lying... what I mean is you just don't tell the other the truth ok, it different stories if you just keep it secret...

For an example :

Condition : I'm Injured from my badminton practice and I’m tried to ignore this pain.

My Girlfriend doesn't know I'm injured and she asked me "hey, honey... are you okay ??? You don't look good ??? Are you Injured ??? or Something ???

My possible Answer :

1 : "hahaha, I'm okay... you don't need to worry"

2 : "How you find out it ??? Actually I think my knee will give up soon"

3 : *smile to her* "....." (I don't say anything)

yup, they're 3 possible answer...

      In 1, I'm actually lie to her... I think I won't make her worried. that's what I mean lie, you tell someone the different fact. In this case, I'm lie for her own sake even though I'm later realize maybe it's not the best for her. This kind lie will stop here if she's not asked you anything else.

     In 2, I'm being too honest... almost impossible for me said such thing. Even though there's possibilities but it very small chance. In this case most of man act being cool *If you're a man you definitely know what I mean here* . You tried best to keep this injured secret, lie to her by said it's nothing but when she's said "oh, c'mon your a liar... you don't need hide it from me, I know you" then in the end you tell her the truth.

    In 3, I'm in the middle confusion, My brain tell me I'm must be honest but My Heart try to convince me I must said the truth. In the end I'm being silent, hahaha. This is not a lie. You actually just keep it secret... not a lie ok.

Now, You know what I mean by lie... It's simply you tell someone the opposite fact. Keeping secret it's not a lie.

However for some people it's the same case if you lying or keeping secret... And lying or keeping secret have its own consequence... So do on your own risk

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